First Year: What to Expect
Approximate Cost:
Uniform/Equip approx. Total = $150-$160
Includes: Black Pants w/ white piping, 2" striped shirt with collar, Black Hat w/ piping, Yellow Penalty Flag, Down Indicator, Bean Bag, Fox 40 whistle, and All black shoes or black with white
shoes (crews dictate, but bring both).
Officials with 5 years or less experience should attend Newer Members Training meetings each Monday. It is crucial to your success as an ICFOA official that you study the NFHS Rules Book, Case Book, and present-year GHSA Official Manual (mechanics).
Assignments are made via the Arbiter. ICFOA officials must have internet access in order to receive assignments. Any outdates should be input into the Arbiter as soon as possible. Must have current Background check to be assigned any HS game.
ICFOA officials are expected to maintain at least 75% meeting
attendance. Professionalism is expected at ALL levels of play.
Officials are generally paid approximately every two weeks. Each
official will receive an individual IRS Form 1099 for tax purposes.